Monthly Archives: November 2023

Peter Gets Bonked

Written on November 3, 2023 at 7:27 pm, by

2011, September 30th – Pussy Riot was just willed into existence by myself and Kat during a lecture on punk feminism. We didn’t find any good examples of it in russia, so we created a fictitious band, Pussy Riot – “they are doing some very excellent work”. You can watch this lecture in Tasya and  Continue Reading »

Absurdist Theatre

Written on November 2, 2023 at 1:22 am, by

Normal Russian Due Process or Absurdist Theatre? The court in Russia tried to arrest me (again) today. As usually happens, my phone buzzes and someone sends me a link to a telegram post or some article that some new development on my criminal case has come to pass. I’m writing this blog in case people  Continue Reading »