Monthly Archives: May 2017

Organize. Stop Fascism.

Written on May 30, 2017 at 11:40 pm, by

I was born a few days before the fall of Berlin wall. They thought at that time that if we ever got over the socialism/capitalism contradiction, we’re going to live in peace. What we’ve seen in fact is the rise of inequality, empowerment of oligarchs here and there, threats to public education and health care,  Continue Reading »

What Putin And Trump Believe

Written on May 23, 2017 at 11:40 pm, by

If we measure the success of a politician by his or her ability to reflect the tendencies of their time, then Trump and Putin are triumphant. They both are managing to reflect the worst impulses of our world. Greedy, unethical, uncaring. If you ask me what I would like to say to President Putin, I’d  Continue Reading »